Ontario’s Ignition Interlock Program: What You Need to Know!
The ignition interlock program is a mandatory program that all drivers who have been convicted of an impaired driving offence or drivers who within [...]
Saskatoon DUI Lawyers
Driving Under the Influence (DUI), or impaired driving, is covered under Section 320.14 of the Criminal Code of Canada. An individual may be charged [...]
The Consequences of Pleading Guilty to DUI in Ontario
Punishments for a criminal DUI charge will vary depending on whether the Crown elects the offence as summary or indictable. For offences proceeded summarily, [...]
What Happens If You Refuse A Breathalyzer Test In Ontario?
A Breathalyzer test is a diagnostic device used to estimate the quantity of alcohol in the breath sample of a driver in order to [...]
First Time DUI Offence In Ontario
DUI is short for Driving Under the Influence. A DUI is Canada is covered under section 320.14 of the Criminal Code. In Ontario, in [...]
How Do I Get A DUI Off My Record In Canada?
Driving Under Influence (DUI) is considered a criminal offence in Canada, and a person convicted for DUI may end up with a Criminal Record. [...]
Will A DUI Charge Affect My Employment Status?
According to the Canadian Criminal Code, DUI (Driving Under Influence) also known as Operation while Impaired refers to operating any kind of vehicle under [...]
How to Get DUI Charges Dropped in Ontario
In Ontario, in addition to being charged under the Criminal Code for Impaired Driving, Ontarians can face serious penalties under the Highway Traffic Act [...]
How Long Does a DUI Stay On Your Record Ontario
If you are convicted of a Criminal DUI in Ontario, this DUI can potentially stay on your record forever unless you are pardoned or [...]
What are the New Impaired Driving Laws in Canada?
Impaired driving offences are among the most common offences that the Canadian courts currently address. These offences occur when an individual consumes alcohol, drugs [...]